Difference Between The Criminal Justice Leadership And Management

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Difference between the Criminal Justice Leadership and Management

Difference between the Criminal Justice Leadership and Management


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the difference between the criminal justice leadership and the management. The paper discusses the differences between the criminal justice leadership and management by highlighting the personal experiences in a criminal justice organization. These differences have been highlighted by citing the examples of the major criminal justice criminal justice leaders and criminal justice managers including Chief William Bratton, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Anthony Schembri and Charles Moose.


The paper discusses the difference between the leadership and the management. Following is the main difference between the leadership and management. Leadership and management are two interrelated concepts; however, there are some differences between these two terms. Leadrship is the process of setting a new direction for the group followed by the leader. On the other hand, management is the process in which the people and resources are controlled and managed according to the established principles and values. Different people see these terms in different perspectives. For some people, these terms are described as the synonyms of each other. However, for other people these terms are extreme opposites. These days, organizations need effective managers and the leaders in order to run their organization successfully. The term management is used to produce the order and consistency. On the other hand, leadership produces change and movement. Management is involved in the functions of planning and budgeting, allocating resources, establishing agendas and setting timetables. On the other hand, leadership is involved in establishment of directions, creation of a vision, clarifying the bug picture, and setting the strategies.

I have been working in the criminal justice organization as a manager as well as I have also performed the duties of leadership. From that organization, I have learned that the criminal justice manager can be a criminal justice manager-owner, a criminal justice manager employee or a criminal justice manager who operates under an outsourcing contract with the owner. The activity of the criminal justice managers is to manage the property owners of their centres. His primary responsibility is to increase the value of the asset, i.e. the office. In order to comply, criminal justice managers must be thoroughly familiar with the basics of the operations of their facilities and functions they look, how the business drives the commercial mixture, how communities perceive the centres and how your property or co-reach and maintain success in the future (Dixon, 2003).

From the criminal justice organization in which I have worked, I have learnt that the leader in that organization was limited to perform the works of motivating and influencing the sub ordinates. The tasks of the leader in that organization were limited to give trainings and the counsellings of the sub ordinates. On the other hand, the main functions of the manager in that organization were to plan, organization control, and monitor. It is said that the role of the criminal justice leader is to work for ...
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