Diagnosis Of Major Depression

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Diagnosis of Major Depression

Diagnosis of Major Depression


Depression is the mental state in which feelings of sadness, unhappiness, melancholy prevails. Most of the feeling is of short period but the long term prevalence of such feelings is detrimental and requires suitable medication and treatment. Depression is generally common and most of the time it goes unnoticed and so undiagnosed. A constant sense of despair and hopeless is a symptom which shows that there is a major depression. Major depression is also known as clinical depression. A patient diagnosed of major depression find it difficult to concentrate on study, work and there are some problems with eating and sleeping habits. Major depression patient find it difficult to enjoy with his/her friends and socializing function of the patient is disturbed significantly. Clinical depression seems to happen from generation to generation in some families.

Most of the people feel low and sad at some specific point in lives, but major depression is characterized by continuous depressed most part of the day. The feelings of sadness and hopelessness is mostly occurs in the morning and there is significant loss of interest in performing the normal activities.

General diagnosis

Health care providers and doctors may ask some questions regarding your mood and thoughts during routine visits. The victim is sometimes asked to fill a brief questionnaire to disclose the real mental health. When patient is suspected of major depression signs he/ she is generally asked to perform certain psychological and physical tests. All these activities are performed to dig out the real problems that can result in such symptoms (Fox, 2013).

Diagnosis of major depression

The proper diagnosis of major depression starts with the counseling sessions in which heath care expert and doctors ask such questions that are aimed to identify the real symptoms and causes. Then he may ask the patient ...
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