Developmental Psychology

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Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology


The paper aims to focus on the theories of developmental psychology by Freud, Skinner and Erik. The paper high lightens the similarities and differences of these theories. The paper focuses on the physical, psychosocial and cognitive development. The paper also discusses the mental development difference in normal and non-normal child. In the end, the paper discusses evidence based development. Psychology is the discipline that studies mental processes, including internal cognitive processes of individuals and social-cognitive processes. The discipline embraces all the complex aspects of human psychic functioning. The different schools, theories and psychological systems have focused their efforts in various areas, existing from approaches that focus exclusively on observable behavior. The scope of the theories covered areas or fields from the study of child development psychology to how humans feel, perceive or think, how they learn to adapt to their environment and resolve conflicts (Mossler, 2011).

Developmental theory of Sigmund Freud

Freud has developed a number of structural models of the psyche, the overlap and complement. This may be the start of employment with his theories somewhat confusing. One must note that a subsequent summary of the theories of scientists or philosophers of the time can be taken into account sufficiently. Unconscious: Originality of Freud's theory was the discovery that much of our behavior outside our control subject, conscious but from controlled. For Freud, the unconscious is more than a not-yet-conscious, it is of separated consciousness that will be revoked, but active and can lead to mental disorders, from harmless slips of the tongue to severe mental illness.

Conscious, Preconscious and Unconscious: refer to a subjective experience of internal quality processes. Neuroses: Freud developed the view that many mental disorders are a result of education, sexuality suppressed and taboo. Basis of mental disorders is a conflict and an in adequate processing of experience. Displacement: Mental disorders are repressed into the unconscious expectations, fears and desires, particularly sexual. As per relating this theory to mental health treatment, this theory would help develop the consciousness of mind. This theory would help the mentally ill patients to develop and enhance their conscious level. Through the displacement process in theory; the mental disorders can be repressed (Davis, 1995).

Developmental theory of Erik Erikson

The concept is derived from psychoanalysis, in which the leading role given to operations aware of the individual under the influence of the environment. The development is recognized as an evolutionary process in which the individual through the crises of psychosocial increasingly higher levels of integration. It is done by solving the difficulties associated with changes in the levels at which it takes place such as biological, psychological and social oases. The development is therefore, a mutual adjustment to each individual and the environment.

Ego is a configuration containing and controlling actions conscious. The basic processes of the ego are, fun, question, thought and action. The driving force behind the development is the presence in man of opposing tendencies and aspirations. This polarization occurs in two dimensions: Striving for progression is the pursuit regression: ...
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