Developmental Level

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Developmental Level

Developmental Level

Physical Development

A significant area of human development is the physical development. Physical growth and maturation processes are the basis for the development of movement skills (motor skills) and perception. Common practice of these development areas, have a lasting influence on the mental development in infants and toddlers (Conger and Toegel, 2003). Physical, sensory and motor developments are presented below in their age-related fundamentals.

Early Childhood

The physical growth of a person is never greater than in the first year of life. Newborns have a body length is from average 50 to 53 centimeters, the weight at about 3.5 kilograms (Dumdum, Lowe, and Avolio, 2002). In the first three months of life, the infant grows an average of 3.5 centimeters per month, slowed down after the third month, but this growth. At the age of five months, the birth weight has doubled, as a rule, tripled with twelve months.

Toddler (two to three years)

The physical development proves to be the second and third years as a slow - compared with the first year of life. The majority of girls and boys is at the end of the second year of life still the same size and weight (ten to fourteen kilograms, and 80-92 centimeters). Between 24 and 30 Month is fully developed, the primary teeth. Teething problems start to pile up in the second year. In our culture, the majority of children in the third year of life is clean. Childhood (four to twelve years)

In preschool and primary school age (four to nine years), the individual movements are refined and increasingly interrelated and complex combinations of movements (e.g. running, alternating with one-and two-legged jumping) merged and excellent motor skills further differentiated. With four to five years, the child can sit cross-legged, walking backwards, standing on tiptoe, walk and run, rhythmic dance music with balance and support on a twenty-centimeter-wide beam. At this age, it keeps pens properly, cut with scissors along lines of, can specifically and Pour liquid paints pictures with more details (Caligiuri, 2000).

Youth age (thirteen to seventeen years)

The continuing physical development in middle childhood is the remarkable physical, essentially biogenetically driven changes that are typical of puberty, interrupted. The first signs of puberty, i.e. the physical, sexual maturation (growth of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, first menstruation and ejaculation), occur in girls on average, slightly earlier than boys, however, is seen within each gender group, an inter-individual variability of four to five years. Currently experiencing about two thirds of girls and boys, the first menstruation or ejaculation in the twelfth or thirteenth year. The physical changes of puberty are a signal that responds to the social environment for girls and boys (Conger and Toegel, 2003). Thus, the plays on the pubertal development stage reached in approximately the same age group a role, and even adults to change their expectations of the young people are often not only according to age and intellectual development, but also according to the physical ...
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