Development And Diversity

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Development and Diversity

Development and Diversity


Development theories are developed in order to groom the skills of an individual. In this assignment, I will focus on child development theory which was proposed by Sigmund Freud. Development of child is associated with psychological, emotional and biological changes (Laura, 1994, pp 50). The development of child progresses from dependency stage to independency stage. The development of child continues from birth till the death. Freud child development theory is segmented in to distinctive stages.


Child development theory (Sigmund Freud)

Freud is considered as the father of psychology, who has proposed child development theory. Freud believes that an individual undergoes different development stages during his life span. His theory is based on sexual development of child (Stevenson, 1996, pp 1). There are five stages in Freud theory, every stages is equally important for sexual development of child. He believes that if an individual fails to pass one stage he feels inferiority in the later part of his life. The stages of Freud child development includes

Oral stage

The center of pleasure in this stage is mouth. In this stage child tries to take everything in his mouth. If any child does not successfully pass this stage he/she leads to frustration and depression in later part of his life.

Anal Stage

This stage last from 1 to 3 years, where child gets control over his excretory functions. In this stage children are given toilet training. The success in this stage helps an individual in developing his personality. On the other hand, failure in this stage leads to complex disorders (Stevenson, 1996, pp 1).

Phallic stage (3-5)

This stage last from 3 to 5 years, in which children identifies their identity through different sources. Teachers and parents play an integral part in developing the identity of a child. It is a natural phenomenon that ...
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