Developing Human Resources

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Developing Human Resources

Developing Human Resources


Basics of Human Relations

The theory of human relations management has had research done on and the general belief people hold is that individual's part of a workforce have a desire and need to be a part of a team that is supportive and assist in personal and professional growth and development. It is, believed that if an employee is, given special attention and participation is encouraged, this would lead to them being motivated and be more productive, the result of which be a successful quality outcome. The basics of managing human relations are giving individual attention supporting and recognizing the motivational theories and understanding its importance to a business. There are several kinds of organizational cultures, it is the type of organization, and relationships that determine which culture would be effective. There are four types of cultures.

Control (Hierarchy)

Control is a hierarchy which is structured within an organization, with the values of the company defined how stable and in control they are and how internally focused. A company with a hierarchical structure values control, standardization and have a set structure for who has the authority to make the decisions (DuBrin, 2007).

Compete (Market)

Throughout the 19th and most of the 20th century went by with businesses thinking that an organization could function most effectively with a hierarchical structure, however it was the late 1960's when a new structure, made popular and introduced known as the Compete (market) structure. The approach I find the most appealing is Compete (market) as the times have changed with the introduction of globalization and to keep up with the changing trends and higher standards and demands of the customer it is crucial to have an international approach that suits diversity.

Collaborate (Clan)

When it comes to the basic values, collaborate approach has similarities to the control approach as there is an inward and internal focus concerning the process of integration.

Create (Adhocracy)

Create approach is similar to Collaborate when it comes to the values as they both put emphasis on discretion and flexibility, though this approach does not focus on the inward and internal approach.

Understanding Yourself

Communications styles are unique, vary according to what suits an individual better, and would ensure the achievement of self-awareness and development of relations that are interpersonal amongst colleagues. Effective communication assists in managing three major work relationships; relationship with oneself, with another individual, with the team members of a team (Keteyian, 2009).

Emotive Style

This style is a combination of high levels of dominance and sociability. The individual who adapts this approach would be required to display uninhibited and spontaneous behavior. This would include speaking rapidly and expressing ideas with enthusiasm with vigorously using body language to send the message across effectively.

Director Style

This style represents a combination of dominance that is high yet the sociability is low. The individual would project a serious no nonsense attitude, giving others around him the idea and impression that they are not to joke around or have fun, an attitude not suitable for a ...
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