Developing Civilizations And Global Interrelations

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Developing Civilizations and Global Interrelations

Developing Civilizations and Global Interrelations

History is perhaps the most important area of research in the modern world. We begin our study of history at an early age and continue throughout our lives. (Meisler 2004)We must keep the record of the past in order to really understand who we are today. The old saying "history repeats itself? there is much truth in it. On the development of agriculture? architecture? literature? and only a few areas in which the story actually was repeated at different times? in different lands? but often from similar causes and similar effects. However? sometimes a repetition of history becomes an ironic twist. (Upshur pp 350-352) Society for the empowerment of the rich have been overthrown by the poor. Those who scorned and rejected them during the period and then sold for their progressive genius. Aggressive culture assumes an area built great empires? only to eventually overthrown by something else. This endless cycle of conquest becomes the conquered? in the case of the Aztec empire.

One of the most prominent topics of interest in studying the history of the conflict. We want to know what factors led to several wars? as the winning side has been able to? and what immediate and long-term consequences of this war. (Upshur pp353-371) The main difficulties in the study of war is the fact that their accounts are usually registered winners. In the losers are usually not in a position to challenge the winners of the accounts? or even invite them to work. This is a situation that we face when studying the Spanish conquest of Mexico. (Upshur pp. 273-274) Most of the material on this subject was taken from the Spanish accounts? such as True stories of conquest of Mexico? Bernal Diaz del Castillo? as well as letters from Mexico? Hernando Cortes. This makes it difficult to get an objective opinion on this important historical event. For this reason? and testimony? such as The Broken Spears is an important reference material. (Upshur pp275-306)

Because of the number of different people within the Empire? the Aztecs were very stratified culture. This can be witnessed in the great Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan? whose grandeur and relevance increased with imperial expansion. In the capital? there is compulsory education for male children? including learning to read? memorized? history? religion and ethics. In addition to the civic and cultural ...
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