Determining Leadership Point Of View

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Determining Leadership Point of View

[Name of the institute]Determining Leadership Point of View


Human nature is the most complex thing. It is difficult to understand the nature of a human being and what is even more difficult is managing behavior of human beings. For smooth and lucrative operation of business it is so vital for an organization to manage behavior of its personnel. Organization behavior management is an indispensable function for an organization. Department of organization behavior management perform variegated tasks. This department actually analyzes and manages human behavior. It deals with wide variety of topics. Change management, leadership, teams, groups and learning are few of the topics that come under the umbrella of organization behavior. The core aim of this paper is to explore one of the areas of organizational behavior that is leadership. So, this paper discusses the phenomenon of leadership from personal point of view and discusses how I develop my leadership point of view and principles.

Determining Leadership Point of View

When we accept the responsibility of leading people we should perform this task in an efficient and effective way. An effective leader is one who knows well what he supposes to do and what are his responsibilities. Leading and guiding others is a strenuous work. In order to do this job it is imperative that a leader should adopt a particular philosophy or point of view. This philosophy acts as the guide and inspiration for a leader to lead others.

Beliefs about Leading and motivating People

In this rapidly changing and fast paced world it is believed that leading life successfully has become a tough thing to do. In our life we have to make several decisions for its betterment. Sometimes we make rational decisions and some other times we become unable to properly analyze and comprehend a situation and reach ...
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