Design Process

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Engineers create artefacts and processes through design

Engineers create artefacts and processes through design


Design is open ended and creative. Design process can be described as the process of applying various techniques, methodologies and scientific principles to define a device, a process or system (intended to fill a certain need) in sufficient detail to allow realization (Eckenfelder, 1989).

Design engineering process is a challenging and difficult task given the analytical education have received students and makes more difficult, sometimes, an open thoughts. It raises the methodological basis and fundamental content of this field development, prioritizing student work, global and multidisciplinary training and situations close to real working life in the field of design and should cover all stages of the process (from the definition of the problem to the presentation of the solution) (Ertas & Jones, 1993).

Engineering design can be described as the process of applying the various techniques and scientific principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or a system with sufficient detail to enable its realization. The design, therefore, is an exercise of creativity and innovation applied which integrate many disciplines and where is undeniable role played by experience of the designer (Ullman, 2003). The large number of requirements that surround the design process and the diversity of same assumed that this multidisciplinary task must consider, from the outset, with clear conveniently defined objectives, key for success (Haik, 2003).

Design engineering process can set the stage for problem solving in four steps.

Understand the problem

Devise a plan

Implement the plan

Examine the solution

This paper serves students of any engineering as a pause and reflection to analyze the design engineering processes, and makes reference to the relevance of sustainability issues in design (Sherwood, 1963).


This should be emphasized that the design process not being linear, and one of its features is creativity fundamental is their obligation, with the added difficulty of the interrelationship between various parts of the treated product.

Therefore, the design engineering process must be designed to carry out changes so that they involve the least loss of time and money in the redesign. Concept Concurrent engineering is a systematic approach to the design of a product, which considers all elements of the life cycle from conception to recall such simultaneously so as to define the product, manufacturing processes and other process cycle (Eckenfelder, 1989). It looks for overlapping phases and changes that occur primarily in the early stages of the project, reducing the execution time project, its final cost and changes after the product launch. Note that this philosophy is the result of the new possibilities of communication and cooperation between people, departments and companies with two-way information flow.

Modelling is the second most important aspect of design engineering process. It is focused on human designing and the simulation, and if you agree with the design focused on the person, you become invaluable for corporations.

In terms of design engineering process, engineer is someone who has a deep expertise in a particular ...
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