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Theories and researches on major depression among young generation is the major purpose of this research. It is also assumed that depression can reoccur with time and other chronic diseases. The adult population with depression is very different from the adult population without syndromes of depression. Depression is mainly common in adult population with low income group. Moreover, women are twice likely to suffer from depression than men. The main cause for high rate of depression in women is due to the biological and social factors. Furthermore, this study evaluates the major causes of depression in individuals. People who are depressed have less physical and social activities then people who are not depressed. The level of satisfaction is also not up to mark in such adults. Therefore, this paper is related to varying behaviors of individuals who are suffering for this deadly disorder which can be treated with positivity.


Major Depressive Disorder is regarded as one of the most common and deadly psychiatric syndrome. Depression is said to be the second largest disorder which will have a major contribution in expanding disability. Researchers believe that by 2020 the projected life time risk cause due to depression would be above 30 percent in United States of America. Depression is considered to have most prevalent impacts on the psychological conditions of the victim. It eventually leads to the suicidal tendency in depression patients. Currently, depression is more likely to have association with the development of other life threatening medical conditions such as, heart diseases.

Higher patterns of acute negative life events are common in the history of those individuals which suffers from this disorder. Stress generation is a commonly used term in understanding the concept of depression. Stressful occurrence is likely to have greater contribution in the behavioral changes of individual. Individual life events particularly related to the interpersonal conflicts reproduces conditions of stress. Such behavioral conflict is observed those individuals with history of depression. Finding proves that there are high patterns of replicated depression in individuals who have tendency to generate stress in its extreme levels.

There is a close relationship between impairment caused by depression and generation of stress. Stress is mainly generated due to the dysfuntioning of relational cognitions and impaired social skills. These are known as maladaptive interpersonal characteristics. Researchers have ample supportive evidences of maladaptive interpersonal relationships that eventually resulted in indication of depression in individual. The major cause of participant indulging in depression includes the impaired functioning in friendship or parental relationships. A broader application of stress generation model is associated with the negative behavior of individual along with several other factors. These might have a negative impact upon the personal life on individual on a daily basis (Shiner & Marmorstein, 1998).

Symptoms of Depression

Many aspects of life of an individual are affected by depression. It result in different health hazards, minimizes the social contribution and increase dissatisfaction with the work done in the life time. Major symptoms of depression are loneliness, sadness and ...
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