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Is Depression Biological or Learned

Is depression biological or learned


Depression is a psychological, biological and a social perspective and a chemical imbalance within the brain. This can be a medical illness if it is severe, although it is common in mild forms. It isn't uncommon for depression to attach itself to other mental or physical illnesses that prevail in the body. Psychological problems can also be considered a physical manifestation, as there is a mind and body connection that has affected us all in one way or another. This creates a significant stress on individuals mind. Constant exposure to stress level result in stimulating depressive symptoms in an individuals. Relating to biology, there are certain forms of depression that are inherited and common within a family. This is biological vulnerability and is most common when one is diagnosed with the bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. The individuals that have endured the bipolar disorder are said to have different genetic pattern then the normal human would.

Severe depression attaches itself to the bipolar disorder, as well as manic episodes. There is also a category of people who, although they have the disfigured genetic pattern that would cause bipolar disorder, are not vulnerable to the mental problem at all. There are different psychological factors that do play a part in the depression and it varies with each person who has been diagnosed with either a mild or a severe form of it. Nervous system get stimulated and initiate suppressive neuro-transmitting responses responsible for initiating depression. Reactive depression is common and is the result of an individual who has experienced the mood change as a result of something that has happened in their life or is currently taking a tool on their mood level. This can be treated because all that is required is an adjusted disorder treatment, which may not always require a medication. (Wright, 2001)

There is a certain genetic makeup and a social perspective that may be more apt to obtaining depression; those who have a very low self esteem or a negative perspective are more likely to experience depression. The way that an individual acts socially and the way that they have learned to adapt themselves in social environments may increase their chances of experiencing a mood disorder. Rejection and isolation because of interpersonal relationships may further their low self esteem and their view on the world, or the people around them. Environmental factors play a heavy role in the development of the brain, and the way that the individual attempts to fix the problem that they are currently facing. Psychological problems are more prevalent to those who have grown and developed in an environment which is negative. Individuals show negative biological responses that relate to occurrence of exposition to stress, formulated exposure to psychological affects. Surrounded by encouragement and optimism a child is less likely to experience depression. (Stein, 2006)

Discussion and Analysis

Defining depression as a psychological, biological and social perspective is proven in the case of a chronic illness, family or financial ...
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