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Depression in Elderly - A Literature Review of the Disease and Its Interface with Gender, Culture and Religion


This literature review discusses the prevalence of depression in the elderly. It discusses the disease in detail and sheds light on the symptoms and causes of depression. These symptoms and causes may differ with age. The causes of depression in a young person differ significantly from the causes of depression in an elderly person. This is true for both males and females. In addition, the literature review establishes the relationship of gender differences, culture and religion with depression and studies their interface with each other. Men and women have different causes of depression. Women are more sensitive than men but there are more depressed men who develop suicidal tendencies than women (Buys & Roberto, 2008). This is so because women are more comfortable in venting out their feelings than men. Men are either too proud or too shy to seek help. Culture also has an influence on depression in that people in the individualistic cultures have depression rooted in solitude and loneliness. On the other hand, people belonging to collectivistic cultures have their depression rooted in their innumerable responsibilities and the various roles they have to play in their families. Religion has types of affects on a depressed person. As a consequence of depression, the elderly person becomes either too religious or he becomes completely rebellious (Blay & Fillenbaum, 2007).


I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, ___________________ without whose support, guidance and constant feedback this Literature review would not have been possible. You have been amazing in your guidance in every step of the way. It was because of you that I managed to meet all deadlines and have been able to submit my work on time. You have been the eyes for me to see that which I could not through my own eyes, and for that I am deeply indebted. You are an inspiration not only as a mentor but also as a person. I have learnt things from you that will remain with me for the rest of my life. I had no idea what research means before I took up this course with you. I would also like to thank my family and friends for being so supportive.


In this work, I declare that the work presented in this literature review is my own work. I have not taken anything which is not referenced. This literature review has not been submitted anywhere in the past for academic or any other purpose. This work is the amalgamation of my research findings, literature review and my own views on depression in the elderly.

Signed __________________ Date_________________


The research has been conducted keeping in mind all the possible ethical issues that may arise as a result of the research. The secondary data that has been used for the research has been referenced and no data has been used without the consent of the original ...
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