Dental Hygiene

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Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene


In dental health there are learning opportunities involved for the children of Pre School. For the learning phase there must be certain priority groups that need to be identified. In these groups for teaching dental hygiene preschool group played a major role in delivering the right information as the child must know dental hygiene from the initial age. In some of the preschool such as Sydeny metropolitan area dental health education is the part of the school teaching (Widjaha, 1992).

It was identified that oral health for children is necessary. According to the centre of disease control and prevention there are infectious disease that occurs in childhood for the oral care. Among 2-4 years old children usually developed these diseases are an early age (Promoting Children's Oral Health, 2007). In the schools training programs for dental health is identified to save children from dental diseases (Eastman Dental Hospital).


Overview of Pre School Dental Hygiene Program

It was identified that the dental health and hygiene program for students of preschool begin by choosing right tooth brush and the tooth brushing technique that the teacher should teach to the students. The students use fluoride dentifrice. They also select the correct diet and nutrition to instill good daily oral habits at young age. Preschool teachers know the vocabulary level of students so they can easily (Widjaha, 1992).

Role of parents in identifying Dental Hygiene for children

Parent's involvement in teaching children regarding the techniques of toothbrush is necessary. They appreciate the child for performing this act as they motivate them they are doing right thing so that they apply such things in their daily routine. For the oral health of a child parents need to take care of children nutrition. They should encourage the children for regular dental checkup (Widjaha, 1992).

Community Based Pre Schools

The community based preschool involves the churches, local communities and YMCA as they are non profitable and charity organizations. They follow 2 to 3 groups and follow the school term. In this the children parents are encouraged to involve in the activation that their child are performing. The fees of this school are set on community basis. This school is highly worth able in for the non affordable children as the fees is received on community basis. For the quality of preschool on the community level they conduct half yearly inspection to make sure that the preschool quality requirements are met (Widjaha, 1992).

Teaching Plan for Dental Health in children of Pre School

In 1970's there were strategies developed for maintaining the children health and hygiene. Their aim is to save children from dental health and hygiene problems that they are facing these days. They care for dental hygiene as to safe children from long run dental problems. There should be quality and quantity source material presented for catering the teaching needs of dental and health care. They promote and improve the individual and group community health problems (Widjaha, 1992).

Role of Dental Hygienist in Pre School

The dental hygienist is the resourceful ...
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