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Dental Anterior Filling Material

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Dental Anterior Filling Material

Dental Anterior Filling Material


Among the materials used in dentistry for fillings carious tooth tissue origin, are light-cured composite materials. Continuous research leads to the improvement in terms of physical properties. Entry into service of new composite materials creates technological challenges in the field of study of their mechanical properties. Infrared technology offers new opportunities for measurement and analysis of selected physical properties of these materials, associated with changes in temperature during the polymerization. The light-polymerization materials are dependent on the exposure time and the intensity of the light beam. Curing Lamp light materials raises the temperature of the tooth. In many studies carried out. During the polymerization, the temperature reached the tooth of more than 40 ° C. It is known that the pulp temperature increase of 6-7 ° C leads to the irreversible damage including necrosis, as evidenced in an animal model.

On the other hand, the thickness of healthy dentin, separating the bottom of the cavity of the tooth pulp tissue, and the extent of the defect may be in a variety of ways to affect the transfer of heat stimuli during the polymerization. Found dentin insulating effect, which increased with increasing thickness. Dentin layer thickness 1.9 mm proved to be sufficient to protect the pulp from the effects of heat related polymerization. However, at a depth of 1 mm it has been shown twice-lower growth temperature than the surface of the material, irrespective of the light source.

Literature Review of the Property of Filling Materials

The aim of the study was to evaluate selected physical properties of three commonly used materials for filling teeth tissues in conjunction with the process of polymerization. In carrying out the registration of temperature changes in the course of the polymerization, obtained data, which the polymerization time, the dynamics of the polymerization and the maximum temperature rise. The results also have to answer the question, what shade material for filling cavities affects the temperature change in the curing process. The smallest increases were observed in the polymerization temperature for the material Tetric EvoCeram, most of the material they were Charisma and 10.7 ° C and 18.8 ° C. In studies conducted in vivo Quality Class III or IV, the increase in temperature of 12 ° C. It should be noted, however, quite different conditions of temperature measurements made. The maximum temperature difference between the studied materials was 5.7 ° C. The maximum polymerization temperature of the material was about Valux plus 1.8 ° C lower than the material Charisma and 3.9 ° C lower than the material Tetric EvoCeram.

Physical & Mechanical Requirements: Properties of an Ideal Anterior Filling Material

For different shade of the same material, there is a difference of temperature rise during polymerization. For materials like Tetric EvoCeram and Valux Plus, their darkest shade is characterized by the largest increase in temperature, and the lightest shade temperature increase is smallest. Wherein the material Valux Plus, these differences are small and are in the range of ...
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