Demonstrative Communication

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Demonstrative Communication

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Demonstrative Communication


The process of receiving and sending the message to a receiver from a sender by expressing how she or he may be thinking, and feeling refers to as demonstrative communication. Through the process of active listening and nonverbal and verbal communication, the exchange of thoughts and messages are involved in demonstrative communication. Eye contact, hand gestures, tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions are involved in demonstrative communication.


No words, signs to communicate, facial expressions and body language are involved in the non-verbal communication which is opposite to verbal communication. Depending on the facial expression of an individual, the facial expressions can be viewed and conceived as negative or positive by an individual (Mehrabian, 1972). A positive facial expression can be the smile, a negative facial expression can be a frown, and however, grins can also be either negative or positive. In the communication process, a large role is played by the tone of one's voice. The tone in a message can be negative or positive.

For example, the message will become negative if the sender of the message has a highly loud angry tone. However, the message will become positive if the sender of the message has a calm even tone. Any activity that involves interaction and communication with other people a powerful tool in such particular activity will be the body language. Eye contact is one of the first body language movements. In how a message is received, the most significant factor is the body language of an individual. Therefore, the words of an individual do not matter as it is a communication that takes place without words and with posture, eye contact, gestures and expression.

In the communication process, a truly significant part is the eye contact as it shows the ...
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