Democracy And Politics

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Democracy and Politics

Democracy and Politics

Forms of government may differ depending on how you generate the public authorities, assuming the structures and their powers. The form of government is totally dependent upon the history of the country and the cultural values of the country. A traditional classification of the forms of government is to Montesquieu, who distinguished basically in two ways: The Monarchy and the Republic.

The Monarchy:

Executive ownership is acquired by inheritance, it is retained for life and there is no political accountability in its management. At present there are in addition to the Monarch Monarchy, which is the head of state, Head of Government or Prime Minister, that answering politically.

The Republic:

People elect the Head of state, directly or indirectly, temporarily take charge and are politically responsible. Another possible distinction of establishing the manner of exercise of political power is the autocratic and democratic governments. The governments of autocratic forms can lead to:


Authoritarianism is used to be called authoritarian regimes that favor the appearance of control and belittle participation, concentrating political power in one man or one body and diminishing the value of representative institutions.


The constituent elements of totalitarian ideology are totalitarian, one-party dictator, terror. Totalitarian ideology provides an explanation undisputed historical course, a radical critique of the existing situation and a guide to its equally radical transformation.

Democratic regimes, meanwhile, can take different forms:

Direct Democracy:

Where the people exercise sovereignty itself. Example Athens.

Semi-direct democracy:

Where the people delegate the exercise of sovereignty over part of their rulers, but reserve the exercise of others.

Representative Democracy:

In this form of government, the people delegated sovereignty to elected officials on a regular basis, who are politically responsible.

Australian Form of Government

In 1901 Australia became a federation, their reliance on England and going to have their own laws and self-government. There was no lightning independence, but ...
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