Dell Inc.

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Dell Inc.

Dell Inc.

Company Profile

Dell Computer has always been one of the most envied (Darlin 2006, Pp.121-135). The creation of Dell Inc emerged from the hands of Michael Dell founded in 1984 that, given the growing need for models of personal computers and business insight to just software developers from Microsoft, now 25 years later has sold over 20 million computers a year and that its actions since June 1988 when it went public until now have tripled, despite the massive drop in price during the crisis. The quality in the case of Dell does not refer directly to the product, but the rapid and reliable place for all needs that require their customers, from technical assistance, through the commercial support and services without forgetting aftermarket. It is the production quality that makes Dell number one.

Customer Philosophy

Dell's segmentation approach not only towards their products but also customers as well. He had split the segments into three categories - large and medium sized companies, educational and government organizations, and small businesses and consumers. These approaches have helped the sales team to focus on the required knowledge and also customize the service level to each of the target segments (Goldman 2008). The direct selling model has helped Dell to understand what customer really needs and wants. Their orders are made by phone, internet or fax which provided the company with first hand comments and preferences on specific models or services.

Integrated Marketing Organization

Every employee in Dell fully understands the fundamental concept that drives the company into one of the top computer manufacturer in the world. Top management spent great amount of time explain and communicate to everybody what needs to be achieved in order to provide total customer experience. They are not just setting up meetings to answer questions but to involve everyone to create value for the customers. Electronic mails are frequently sent to employees to share with success stories. Global case studies and achievement from competitors are well studied in the weekly newsletter, which provide global views and ideas to different regional office (Fitzpatrick 2007). Engineers and designers are encouraged to involve at the early stage with sales teams for product planning. It is not an easy step for some professional who might want to focus on the specialty but Dell believes these are the best solution to minimize customer dissatisfaction during the buying process (James 1999).

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