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Operations and Quality Management

Operations and Quality Management


The paper aims to emphasize on the operations as well quality strategy of Dell Inc. in a broader perspective. Quality policies and systems that are used in the organisation are also discussed in the paper as well. Moreover, the issues facing the organization are critically explained. Recommendations along with the conclusion are provided in the paper as well.

Dell Computer has always been one of the most envied brands. It is just not for its high level of sales, their revenue increases each year so brilliant or great corporate image despite having no stores that offer personalized attention, but to have a model business based on quality as a fundamental part of business strategy that bordered on perfection. The creation of Dell Inc's hand emerged from Michael Dell founded in 1984 given the increasing need for models of personal computers and corporate vision just before the software development by Microsoft. These financial data only serve to show the proper, if not spectacular business model that has taken place since its beginnings primarily based on a fundamental quality we mentioned earlier and that is apart from the competition with a level of quality extra (Rebecca, 2000). In short, a totally reliable as shown by the quality and productive business can not only get a good business model but also is possible to increase revenue by attracting new customers with better products.

The quality in the case of Dell does not refer directly to the product, but the rapid and reliable that performs all the needs that customers demand, from technical assistance, to support and not forgetting commercial services aftermarket. Undoubtedly within Dell as a company focused on trade what interests us most is the quality and speed of service to the demand of customer orders; their systems, based on self-development and quality of the service itself, have enabled eliminate jobs at its factories in the repair and servicing of computers, which have achieved a very important natural evolution in terms of speed of service orders. It is, therefore, the production quality that makes Dell to improve on its delivery and quality without reviewing their products, but because it has been able to count or other human resources or investments in other areas most important strategic business development as an area of global logistics (Allison, 2008).

Discussion and Analysis

The company led an innovative strategy of selling computers directly to customers only after they were ordered riding. Once a customer places an order through the web or by phone, the company's factories together the necessary components, load PCs with software and send them in a matter of hours. The system eliminated idle inventory and maximized the cash flow of the company. Dell is now seen behind rivals get more savings with outsourcing of manufacturing.

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