Delivering Training

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Delivering Training

Delivering Training

Explain each of the following and discuss how you use this knowledge to plan and deliver effective training:

Adult Learning Styles

The following learning styles of adult can enable human resource to provide effective training to the adult people:

Visual/Auditory/ Kinaesthetic

Visual Learning style includes the delivery of training to people by making them read or watch. These people come under visual learners. In delivering training to adults, I would show them attractive visually images to learn things. For example: they would be asked to watch a movie regarding adult learning.

Auditory Learning style is referred to the use of sound or audio in order to enable people to learn. I would be asking candidates to listen to audio clips and learn what is being mentioned in it.

Kinaesthetic learning style is referred to a training in which candidates are asked to do things in order to learn. In my training plan, I would ask people to perform physical tasks and activities including the use of computer.

Theorist/pragmatist/reflector/activist learning styles

The theorist style includes the constant asking of why? It includes the making of connections to form a cohesive overall picture of things. Pragmatist learning style include on clearly focusing by challenging the devise solution to a specific task. The reflective learning style include the thinking about thing secretly first. Activist Learners are those who would seek new experience and try everything once. Therefore, I would be continuously changing my training style in order to meet their needs.

Adult learning practices

Adults learning would be enhance by making them fully participate in the training process. My strategy would be to ensure that adults are active and engaged in activities during the training period.

Adult learning cycle

It is a cycle that consists of several inter-related steps that are required to be done in order to ensure effective adult learning. The cycle consists of four steps including concrete experience, reflective observation, conceptualization and active experiment (Siera Training Associates, 2007).

Describe in detail step you routinely take to ensure a healthy and safe learning environment:


Before a training event consider both:

Pre-training OHS requirement for you and

OHS information to be provided to learners before training

In order to ensure health and safety measure during training, I effectively follow the laws and guidelines to avoid any hazard during training. Following are the steps that I take in my daily routine training:

Identify hazards

Describe hazards in the training

Describe the reasons for these hazards

Follow steps for controlling hazard

Describe trainees responsibility in control

Report issues regarding OHS

At the start of the training event consider both:

Venue issues and

OHS information to be provided to learners at the start of a training event

I consider venue issues before starting the training. I provide the information to the trainee regarding what OHS is and how it can cause damage to the health of people being involved. I also provide them with information on how to report any OHS if they identify it.

Throughout training delivery

I actively monitor the training process in order to identify and control any possible ...
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