Decision Making

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Decision Making

Decision Making


Decision making is a very important aspect of the leadership. Over many centuries, it has been proved that successful leaders were those who had best decision making skills. This paper describes the decision making process, suggestion for a person to improve his decision making ability, and a major decision taken at my church, and how it complied to my study of decision making.

Decision Making

When we look at our life, we find ourselves surrounded with various decisions either we have made, or to be made. The most common decisions can be, for example, “where should I go for study?” or where should I invest?”For leading a successful life, a person must be able to make efficient decisions. However, the decision making ability becomes more crucial, when it comes to leaders as organizational or employees' future highly depend on their decisions.

Decision making can be simply defined as a process of making judgments or reaching conclusions. It is the process by which one chooses among alternatives, depending upon his analysis of situation. The ability of decision making is important for every one's life, particularly for leaders. The leaders are often evaluated for their performance, on the basis of their leadership capability. It is observed that how quick and efficient decisions they can make. Obviously, while measuring decision making ability of the leaders, the first priority is give to the measure of how many decisions of the particular leader proved to be correct, or in favor of the organization or the people.

The decision making ability of the leaders vary depending on their intuition, emotions, experience, deductive logic, tryout, or considered judgment. The systematic decision making process involves setting of goals and objectives, defining the problem and situation, searching for alternatives and choosing among them through comparison and evaluations. After going ...
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