Death, Dying And Bereavement

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Death, Dying and Bereavement

Death, Dying and Bereavement

1. Summary

The book is about death, dying and bereavement which are described separately by the author. Death is, in essence, a process consisting of terminal extinction process homeostasis of a living and, therefore, concludes with the end of life. The book also make me understand the process of death and dying process. Though it is fully defined in some of its phases from a neurophysiologic standpoint, biochemical and medical, is still not fully understood as a whole from the standpoint of thermodynamic and neurological and scientific discrepancies in this regard (chp. 1). Additionally it has not been scientifically defined where in the process is the threshold that is passed from life to death.

Life is beautiful as stated by the author. But, we also have heard that life is not a bed of roses. It shows us scores of ups and downs and makes us face reality. One of the bitter truth and reality of life is that it has to end someday at some point and this end of life is known as death. This book explores the phenomenon of death and shed lights on its different aspects (chp. 2).

For a normal human being it is very obvious to depict that who is alive and who is dead. If something is moving, growing, burgeoning and breathing it means that this thing is alive. On the contrary absence of these activities may declare that creature as dead. In a simple way death can be defined as end of life. According to chapter 2, the most fascinating factor related to death is the curiosity of human nature to know what will happen after death (chp. 2). There are different schools of thoughts related to this matter that represent different ideologies. Some says that after the end of life our bodies will become dust and bones and we will never be reborn. On the other hand some religions like Islam believe that after this life will end a new life will be given to the people and then their deeds that they do in this world will be evaluated. As people don't know what to expect after death it elevates their curiosity and fascination to know more about this phenomenon (chp. 4 and 5).

Another factor that captures attention of people is fear. The factor of fear and death are so closely related to each other that the concept of end of life makes people scared of it. There can be various reasons as to why fear is linked with death. One of the indispensible reasons is the end of life itself (chp. 3). People remain busy in their life and they cherish every moment of it and a sudden end of this process embeds nerve racking feelings in hearts of people.

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