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Date Collection


The effectiveness of any educational program is dependent on the value that it provides to the end students, and the utility to the instructors. Education is a highly dynamic and complex activity, in which the instructors have to provide the relevant students with the essential learning material. In the educational experiences the knowledge of the instructors and the content of the curriculum help enhance the value of the educational initiatives. The effectiveness of any educational program can be gauged by the utilization of the adequate research tools dependant on the data collection and modification techniques (Cohen et Al, 2011). The relevant data has to be acquired from the direct and indirect stakeholders involved in the educational program, and the collected information is analyzed critically to highlight the effectiveness of the program. Data collection has to be treated as an essential component of any analysis conducted on the effectiveness of the relevant educational program.


Data Sources Utilized

In the detailed evaluation process there are various stakeholders who have to be consulted, in order to attain a comprehensive analysis. The educational program is not only dependant in the process of transmitting advanced information and knowledge to the students; rather it is a complex communicational relationship between various stakeholders. The students have to develop an open relation with the instructors so that they can ask about any educational query and be motivated to excel in their academic activities. Whereas the instructors require the access to the latest and most relevant educational tools so that hay can develop their educational plans accordingly. For the adequate evaluation of the educational plan diverse set of data sources has to be utilized, in order to attain the information from the various stakeholders involved. The majority of the relevant information would be attended from the ...
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