Data Analysis And Design

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Data Analysis and Design

Data Analysis and Design

Q. 1

It is a high-level decision to specify design the files to your computer or computer system for a particular purpose. Productivity is high on the list of priorities for the design process, depending on how you use the file. Usually, design the file depends on the system environment. For example, such factors as whether a file will be used to process the transaction-oriented OLTP or storing data or if a file is shared between the various processes like those found in typical distributed systems or offline. You must also know the file is in the network and used by several users, and whether it can be available locally or remotely, and how often it occurs.

However, all things considered the most important considerations might be:

1. Rapid access to a record or a number of records which are related to each other.

2. The Adding, modification, or deletion of records.

3. Efficiency of storage and retrieval of records.

4. Redundancy, being the method of ensuring data integrity.

Some programs, you need to update multiple files all at once, such as installing software can write a program binaries, libraries, and configuration files. If you install software program may be unusable. If the installation is to update the key system utilities such as shell system may be left in an unusable state.

Transaction processing is isolation guarantees, which States that the operations in a transaction are hidden from the other threads in the system until the transaction commits, and that interference with operations in the system will be properly serialized with the transaction. The transaction also provide atomicity guarantees that the operations inside a transaction, either all committed, the transaction may be aborted or system discards all partial results. This means that if you crash or power failure, after you restore the stored state will be consistent (Lightstone, 2007, 11). Or the software will be installed or unsuccessful installation will be completely rolled back, but unusable partial installation will not remain in the system.

Special purpose files system mostly any file system that is not a disk file system or network file system. This includes systems where files are dynamically software for such purposes as the link between processes on a computer or temporary file space.

Special purpose file systems are most commonly used file-based operating systems such as UNIX. Examples include the procfs (/proc) file system used by several variants of UNIX, which provides access to information about the processes and other operating system features.

Q. 2

A set of related data together with a set of programs to access data is called a database system or database. The main purpose of such a system is to ensure that such a convenient and effective use of retrieving and storing information.

Database management system (DBMS) is designed to manage large amounts of information. Data management involves identifying structures for storing information and creating mechanisms for manipulating data. In addition, the system databases to ensure the safety of stored information, ...
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