Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of SHP reservation system
Key Attribute
Entity SetRelationship-SetEntity Set
The closed boundary above clearly delineates the system and the environment. The diagram shows the interactions between the SHP software and the databases inside the system. There are three databases internal to the system and which the system maintains. DB-user is the database containing all the personal information of the registered users of the SHP. This can be updated by the user by logging in to the system. Information from this database is used during transactions like charging the credit card etc (Koch, 2009). DB-schedule is a copy of the flight schedule database. The latter exists independently and is updated by a flight scheduler system which is out of scope of the SHP. DB-schedule is updated with the latest status of the flight schedule database whenever there is any change in the latter. For example, if a flight has been added to the schedule between two cities on Tuesdays, DB-schedule gets updated with this change through a process with which we are not concerned. It is external to the system and is out of the scope of this SRS. DB-schedule also contains the base prices of tickets for various flight numbers.
DB-reservations are a database encompassing data considering the number of chairs accessible on each class on distinct flights. It has provision for assessing how numerous of the booked chairs have been impeded but not yet acquired (McGraw, 1997). DB-reservations should revise itself utilising DB-schedule, for demonstration, if a new air journey is added. DB-geography is a database, which comprises data about the towns and villages overhauled by the airline. The expanse between all towns and villages is comprised in a matrix form. There are three interfaces, one for the manager, one for the clientele by world broad web and another for the clientele by phone. The manager can revise DB-schedule with any alterations in the groundwork charges of air journey tickets.
Event Table
SHP Detail Table
Booking Detail Table
Checkout Details Table
Question 2
Context Diagram for SHP Reservation System
Update Table
Customer Document
Data Flow Diagram Check-In Of A New Customer
Update Table
Customer DocumentData Flow Diagram Record Modification
Scan Record
Processing Update
Data Flow Diagram Check-ot of a New Customer
Update Table
Customer Details
In checking the database, double-check the database captures the particular areas as asserted by their respective attributes. Also, double-check that the storage and retrieval purposes of the database purposes properly. Hence, the database attachment with the interface worked perfectly. The benches with data in relative to the diverse facets of the programs were correctly put and are effortlessly accessible by the scheme administrator. In this stage, the scheme was begun and it double-checked that it was employed flawlessly well by logging in with an invalid account minutia and get access to was refuted and then, logging in with legitimate account minutia and get access to was conceded which intended that the scheme only identifies listed account ...