Cyber Bullying

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Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying


Cyber bullying is used to harass others through the use of cellular phones, instant messages, social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, chat rooms. Cyber bullying involves acts such as threatening people, sending provoking insults or ethical disgrace or racial insults, gay smashing, blackmailing people through email, sending virus through email, and over flooding the in-box by spam messages (Wagner, 2008).

Cyber bullying usually starts from school, when the youth tries to irritate others. As one got always connected with others through mobile and online communication, it can cause an adverse effect on the person who being bullied. Because of being excessively cyber bullied, the individual can suffer from stress, depression, anxiety and other stress disorders (Shariff, 2010). Cyber bullying has recently developed, and it is increasing day by day. It has to be treated as a crime as it is harming others emotionally. Anything that harms others in any form has to be treated as a crime. Similarly, cyber bullying also considered as a crime as it is harming others emotionally. Cyber bullying, being the current invention, should be stopped at the moment by judiciary taking actions against it.

The growing availability, use of and reliance on information and communications technology (ICT) among young people, has been accompanied by the potential for such technologies to be misused to bully others; a type of aggression termed 'cyber bullying' (Trolley, 2009). Based on definitions used by other researchers, cyber bullying is defined as when, over a period of time, an individual or a group use ICT to intentionally harm a person, who finds it hard to stop this bullying from continuing. Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to, mean, nasty or threatening text messages/instant messages/pictures/video clips/emails that are sent directly to a person through the Internet or mobile phone, or sent to others about that person.

Characteristics of Cyber Bullying

Requires skill and knowledge on Internet. This information is obtained primarily from computer forums.

False accusation: Most bullies try to damage the reputation of the victim manipulating people against him (Smith, 2010).

Publishing false information about the victims on websites. They can create their own websites, social networking sites (Face book pages), and blogs or footslogs for this purpose. While the forum is hosted is not removed, can perpetuate harassment for months or years. And while the web is removed, all that is published on the Internet stays on the network.

Gathering information about the victim: Cyber bullies can spy on the victim's friends, family and coworkers to obtain personal information. This way you know the result of defamatory emails, and find out what are the most credible rumors that do not create any jobs.

Often monitored the activities of the victim and try to trace your IP address in a bid to get more information about this.

Periodically sent defamatory emails to the environment to manipulate the victim.

Manipulate others to harass the victim. Most try to involve third parties in the harassment. If you get this way, and get others to do the dirty work be ...
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