Cyber Bullying

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Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying


Cyber Bullying is evident in contemporary societies who have had the impact of information technologies and communication technologies (ICT) in the daily lives of young people. The most common technologies and most widespread among young people are: computer, internet and mobile phone. As these technologies spread so much, communication has led to the birth of the culture of the information age, and besides that, it has made ??possible the development of new techniques and ways to promote knowledge. The concept of interactivity of ICT is something that has benefited the new form of culture that writers like Tapscott, among others, have called "culture of interaction" (Miller et al., 2009). From this we can say that the new interaction in the modern world is reflected through the use of ICTs, and especially young people, as these new technologies they are too flashy and most advertising is directed towards that sector. We learned under the linear communication model, i.e., through a transmitter and a receiver, is currently used technological interactivity, it dramatically changes the previous concept, especially in youth, who developed modern forms interaction, socialization, employment, entertainment, study and research, these users of new technologies are characterized by sharing, playing and commenting on this new form of communication (Mark & Ratliffe, 2011). Young people are much more likely to use ICT as a quick and fun way to share their tastes, ideas, games, experiences, studies, etc., with classmates and friends. Besides learning how to use them quickly and use for example the Internet or mobile phone will create a feeling of well being, to feel for fashion, by having the latest model mobile phone or the best computer market and to say when in his talks cannot fail to discuss their experiences on the Internet, either by making new friends from around the world or of their best skills to entertain without leaving home (Li, 2006).


Bullying has always existed, but now with the appearance and excessive use of information technology and communication there are no limits. The swiftness, the unlimited and anonymity of these communication devices make the problem of bullying can last a day and become a nightmare (Rivers & Noret, 2010). For cyber bullying means any of the possibilities of using new information technologies and communications to harass his victim to excess. Cyberbullying can be defined as the use of certain information technology and communication, such as messages and calls to mobile phones, email, IM and social networks, individually or in groups, and intentionally so iterative and hostile, tries to harm another (Strom & Strom, 2005).

Based on the fact of school abuse among students, it can be said that the attackers or offenders, using new ways to harm or subdue their victims through information technology and communication, which is possible through intimidation the phone, via text, voice or images, and creating a website that has the sole purpose to denigrate another Piarist.

The instruments used in the information superhighway reinforce the spreading of this procedure to protect ...
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