Customer Service Manual

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Customer Service Manual

Table of Contents


Our Customer Relation Goals and Standards1

Defining Your Role at La Caramella2

Complaint Resolution at La Caramella2



Dealing with the Customer- Our Asset4

The Unsatisfied Customer4

Difficult or Abusive Customer4

Customer with Special Needs5

Unreasonable Complainants5

Customer Service Checklist6

Customer Service Manual


La Caramella serves a wide variety of chocolate and non-chocolate snacks and confections. We make our confectionary with a special touch of the customer's choice and preference. People's love for chocolate and candy is our priority to cater to, and as we say here, 'Listen to your sweet tooth, come to La Caramella'. Anything that looks and tastes good should be served good. That is why, at La Caramella, we make sure our customers enjoy quality treatment from all our employees. An outstanding customer service is our key strength and we all strive for its successful implementation.

“Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless”.

-Jeffrey Gitomer

Our Customer Relation Goals and Standards

Our standards and goals are not about satisfying the customer needs, but it focuses on retaining our customers and treating them as an 'ASSET' for the company (Ernst, 2000). Therefore, we encourage our employees to make their contributions as a part of excelling in this goal. We, from the serving staff till the management, make it our priority to give an excellent behavior in our dealing with customers. Employees at La Caramella enjoy serving people the best desserts with their best behavior.

Defining Your Role at La Caramella

Job Title: Customer Service Representative

Reporting Authority: Franchise Manager

Job Responsibilities: Serving the customers at the main counters, empathetic dealing with the customers and act as a support system in complaint management.

Complaint Resolution at La Caramella

We follow ISO defined customer satisfaction and standards.

“A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to an organization, related to its products, or the complaints handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected." Definition from ISO 10002:2004.

These guidelines are our standard for the implementation of an efficient complaint management chain. It clearly helps us in identifying, managing and understanding the successful way to deal with our customers' dissatisfaction (JoAnn, 1994).


We encourage a culture that responds to the customer complaints openly and in a productive manner, and according to the principles and procedures defined in the company's policy. We believe in resolving problems at their very basic level. Our primary objective is to process the complaint expeditiously, via best possible means, and at a basic level. This assures a competitive process, but not always with a definite outcome. The outline for dealing with a complaint is clearly understood by the value chain of complaint resolution. A complaint should be resolved within 3 calendar days and a proper registration of complaint of any nature, severe or ordinary, is compulsory (Ernst, 2000).

Informal Complaints can be directly resolved with a direct approach of an open, cooperative dialogue with the customer. A quick and satisfactory resolution of the problem with record keeping process of the action been taken in handling that the complaint is mandatory. In case of formal complaints, the details and ...
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