Customer Satisfaction And Retention: The Knowledge Of Individual Employees

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Customer satisfaction and retention: the knowledge of individual employees



Iwould take this opportunity to express gratitude my research supervisor, family and associates for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


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The aim of the research is to collect the effective strategies that will lead towards the customer retention. In order to have access in all the possible information, there are three objectives that can guide the entire research. First is to determine the recent customer retention strategies being implemented in the corporate world. Second is to compare the strategies along with the business models and theories in order to justify the customer retention strategies being applied. And lastly, is to measure the effectiveness of the customer retention approach in the middle of challenges and changes within the business environment.

Chapter 1: Introduction


In any kind of business, customers or clients are important part of bringing the profit back to the enterprises. In various industries, whether in production or services, the customers always play an inspiration and became part of the long-term goal of the organizations. This is because of the increasing uncertainties in the market and the rapid changes that heightened the competition. The aim of the research is to provide an explanatory research into the aspects/attributes that customers consider relevant in deciding whether to continue with the current service provider or to switch to an alternative provider or to switch off completely.

Background and Problem Statement

Customer satisfaction can be also equaled with the customer retention. Logically speaking, when the customers are satisfied with the products or services by the organization, there will be customer loyalty and maintain the relationship they had. The retention of the customers means everything for the organization and it is furthermore significant as part of the promotional strategies. Thus, reinforcing the customer Relationship can convey the enterprise far. However, not all the customers can deliver the good fortune for the organization. First, there should be an effort placed for the customers to achieve their loyalty and creating the relationships. And then, maintaining the relationship to increase the profit gain and advantages of the organization. But the question is what are the most applicable and appropriate customer retention strategies of the organizations?

Research Aim and Objectives

The aim of the research is to collect the effective strategies that will lead towards the customer retention. In order to have access in all the possible information, there are three objectives that can guide the entire research. First is to determine the recent customer retention strategies being implemented in the corporate world. Second is to compare the strategies along with the business models and theories in order to justify the customer retention strategies being ...
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