Us Armedco

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Training is a systematic, planned and ongoing overall aim is to prepare, develop and integrate human resources into the production process, by providing knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the proper performance of all workers in their current and future positions and adapt to the changing demands of the environment. The training is aimed at the technical improvement of the worker for it to perform efficiently the duties assigned to him, produce quality results, provide excellent services to its customers, prevent and resolve potential problems early within the organization. Through training we make the worker profile fits the profile of knowledge, skills and attitudes required in a job. Training should not be confused with the training, the latter involving a transfer of knowledge that make it suitable for either the individual equipment or machinery.

The training becomes essential when the worker has had little experience or are hired to perform work that is brand new. But once workers built the company, it is required to develop these attitudes and skills required to fulfill their duties. Development on the other hand, refers to education a person receives for professional growth to enhance the effectiveness in office. It has long-term goals and generally seeks to develop attitudes related to a particular philosophy that the company wants to develop. It is aimed primarily at executives.

Objectives of the Training and Mentoring Program

US Armedcom is making its number one goal to offer its employees a first class training and mentoring program that takes into account future company success and the employees well being. In this paper we will discuss multiple ways for improving US Armedcom's training and mentoring program (Torrington and Taylor, 2004).

The new training and mentoring needs

Needs: As a result of the merger of the sales teams, the organization has done a lot ...