Customer Relationship Management Into A Big Company For Case Study

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Customer Relationship Management into a Big Company for Case Study



My thanks go out to all who have helped me complete this study and with whom this project may have not been possible. In particular, my gratitude goes out to friends, facilitator and family for extensive and helpful comments on early drafts. I am also deeply indebted to the authors who have shared my interest and preceded me. Their works provided me with a host of information to learn from and build upon, also served as examples to emulate.


I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


The aim of this study is to analyze the customer relationship management in UK agribusiness firm Dairygold Co-Operative Society (Dairygold). Dairygold is UK renowned food and multi-purpose agribusiness Company. The Dairygold business comprises of dairy food ingredients and agri trading. The primary operations of this company are in Ireland, Germany, France and UK. Headquarter of this company is in UK and having around 1,088 employees. The aim here is to better understand CRM performance differences in agribusiness organizations and then to begin to understand what drives these performance differences. Ultimately, the resulting taxonomy and profiling will allow for the placement of agribusinesses on a continuum of "successful" to "unsuccessful" CRM program performance and allow for a deeper understanding as to why some agribusiness firms are relatively more "successful" with CRM while others struggle. A 20 question self-reporting questionnaire was designed, pre-tested, and mailed to 2,000 Dairygold managers as described earlier. The data set will be inspected for the presence of outliers and no data transformations will be necessary to standardize the basis variables, since each is measured on the same scale. It is conclude that the customer relationship management has a positive impact on the organization performance of Dairygold Co-Operative Society. Dairygold has successfully satisfied and retain their customers by providing high quality products and services to the customers. The core set of activities/behaviours/outcomes utilized by Dairygold's CRM program are as follows: Dairygold value the feedback from their customers and timely response their value customer concerns. Dairygold timely launch their promotional activities through which their products are quite popular among customers. The CRM programs of Dairygold are for the benefit and interest of customers not only for the organization.






1.1Background of the Study1

1.2Purpose of the Study2

1.3Scope and focus of the research2

1.4Aim and objectives3

1.5Summary of chapters4



2.2What is CRM6

2.3CRM and the Strategy Link7

2.4Customer Relationship Management10

2.4.1Origin of Relationship Marketing10

2.5Relationship Marketing12

2.6Key Strategic and Operational Literature13

2.7CRM Framework16

2.8Type of Customers: Organization View18

2.8.1Comparing Types of Customers19

2.9Customer Retention and Organizational Performance20

2.10CRM Technology21

2.11Market Orientation as a Firm Resource22

2.12Possible Effect of CRM Technology on Organizational Capability of Serving Customer23

2.13Customers Lifecycle in CRM24

2.13.1CRM Service Channels25

2.14CRM Strategy26

2.15Benefit of CRM System27

2.15.1Cost of CRM ...
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