Customer Relationship Management Into A Big Company For Case Study

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Customer Relationship Management into a Big Company for Case Study



I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without which I would have never been able to do this research.


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Table of Contents




1.1Background of the Study1

1.2Purpose of the Study2

1.3Scope and focus of the research2

1.4Aim and objectives3



2.2What is CRM4

2.3CRM and the Strategy Link5



3.2Research design7

3.3Data collection methods8


3.5Data Analysis9

3.6Ethical issues9



Personal Development Plan15


Background of the Study

CRM is often referred to as a strategy. Porter contends that, "the essence of strategy is in activities - choosing to perform activities differently or to perform different activities than rivals" (Porter, 1996, pp 64). Thus, if one agrees with the premise that CRM is a strategy, one can reasonably deduce that CRM must consist of a series of activities that provide a firm the opportunity to obtain or sustain a competitive advantage over their competitors. However, what activities comprise a CRM program is not well known.

With respect to firm size, it is very likely that large agribusinesses have additional resources (people, money, technology, etc.) to draw upon and thus can employ an entirely different set of activities/behaviours in their CRM programs than a small agribusiness uses. As a direct result, their performance outcomes may differ as well. At this point in time, the extent to which availability of resources affects a CRM program is not well understood (Zemke 2009, 45).

It is very likely that, due to structural differences (e.g., differences in market conditions and/or customer characteristics), agribusinesses that compete in a particular segment of the agricultural marketplace (i.e., livestock vs. crops) would employ a different set of activities/behaviours than an agribusiness with entirely different business interests. As a result, their performance outcomes would differ. For instance, agribusinesses with a crop business interest may use mass, impersonal communications more often than agribusinesses with livestock interests, simply because there are large numbers of commodity crop producers relative to the number of decision makers in the livestock arena. Thus, it is not known how, or to what extent, CRM programs differ by industry segment (Wishnack 2011, 32).

Purpose of the Study

The aim of this study will to analyze the customer relationship management in UK agribusiness firm Dairygold Co-Operative Society (Dairygold). Dairygold is UK renowned food and multi-purpose agribusiness Company. The Dairygold business comprises of dairy food ingredients and agri trading. The primary operations of this company are in Ireland, Germany, France and UK. Headquarter of this company is in UK and having around 1,088 employees.

Scope and focus of the research

The aim ...
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