Customer Centric View

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Customer Centric View

Customer Centric View


The purpose of writing this paper is to critically analyse the different perspective of consumers in terms of consuming luxury cars. Therefore, considering the situation, two different perspectives are very much essential in the situation, one is the information-processing perspective and the other is experiential perspective. Thus, on the basis of these two perspectives customer insight and CRM is expanded.


As stated by Kim, et. al., (n.d.) in their research paper by the title of Frequency of CRM implementation activities: a customer centric view, customers are considered as key factor that keep the organizational operational activities on streamline. Secondly, customers are reason for maintaining and developing the competitive edge over the competitors because retaining and acquiring customers benefit the organization in achieving its long term objectives. Therefore, in the modern world, especially in the luxury cars market where consumers are very choosy, the organizations in terms of customer relationship management, CRM implemented in four different vital areas. First area is the strategy, second is people, third are process and the last is technology. By working on all these four different areas, organizations can develop a better relationship with consumers because by looking closely to all four areas. They are inter-related to each other and virtually these areas are virtually parallel. Thus to achieve the CRM effectiveness by the manufacturers of luxury cars, the management need to develop a customer-focused learning and also interaction orientation culture need to be established as well.

On the other hand, Urban (2004) stated that customers are more informed and in the luxury cars case, customers required honest, open and complete information. The best part of this strategy is that it enables the customers to make decision relatively easy and due to this, the customer go for the product ...
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