Curriculum Development In Early Childhood Education

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Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Education





Image of the child

Child formulates own concepts from self-teaching materials. Child can work where you feel comfortable, where they move freely and talk without disturbing secret partners. The group work is voluntary

Language skills include skills, that are formed during the first years of life, the ability to phonation (relating to the issue of voice), and phonological skills (the use of phonemes according to the rules of a culturally shared linguistic system).

The young child is by nature an imitator, and educator of the early years he undertakes with significant and practices that are worthy of being imitated. Imaginative play and creativity that springs from the child himself, alternating with guided experiences of nature and practices of human activities, are the lifeblood of learning and development in the first year of life

The infant A central theme in the primary pedagogical practice aimed at children is the education of the senses to sensory perception of the infant through experiential learning. The phenomenon of rhythm and quality is a fundamental dynamic in childhood.

Teaching and learning

Emphasis on: cognitive structures and social development.

The teacher plays an unimpeded in classroom activity. The student is an active participant in the teaching-learning process.

The curriculum is inclusive and non-selective, in terms of gender, nationality, religious belief or other nature, ethnic background, social or political. Schools and other educational work to promote the skills and abilities of individual pupils and, where resources and the environment allow, provide for the needs of specific learning of children and young people.

The educational activities in schools which promote early learning is inspired by anthroposophy, a body of work initiated by the knowledge scientist, philosopher and educator focuses on the nature of the human being and developing integrated approaches to teaching and learning.


Child works as long as you want on the projects or materials chosen.

The individual child and the integrity of the child, the support of the essential rights of children and active support of human diversity and cultural

The instructional approach is the system that embraces the pedagogy, the curriculum, testing and evaluation of teaching and learning, as well as the organization, administration and management of those schools or pedagogic reality


Environment and method encourage internal self-discipline. The individual and group instruction adapts to each learning style according to the student.

It involves how to react in different situations of joy so showing happiness. Children make friends at different stages of life

The life and teaching activities in schools are built and supported by the following principles: Education has the task of developing social conscience, self-knowledge, intelligence, and ethics facing active citizenship and global. Education is a social and cultural commitment in the early years, carried out in the public sphere and of unique importance for each person.

Relationship with parents and community

Organize the program for parents understand the Montessori philosophy and participate in the learning process

The child will begin recognizing the voice of his parents only after three weeks of his birth. Between the ages of one to ...
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