Culture Of The Aymara

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Culture of the Aymara


The research paper is an ethnographic detail of Aymara civilization in the Andes and Altiplano regions located in the Southern America. They had been living in the areas of Bolivia, Peru and Chile for centuries and then fell under the subjugation of Inca people and later of the Spanish rule in the sixteenth century. The discussion includes cultural lives, their natural and social environment. The study also encompasses the language of Aymaran people, their family structure, marriage procedures, political practices, religion and ideology.

Culture of the Aymara


The Aymara people present one of the ancient Andean societies lived in the Inca Empire and then in the sixteenth century in the Spanish rule when Inca Empire was conquered by the Spanish in 1532. The people Aymara were practicing the way of life which was in contrast not only with the culture of Peru, but also with the national culture of North America. In order to have a deep insight of someone's culture, we must see the world through his eyes. The culture and the everyday life of the Aymaran people are so different that they seem to be the people of different world. One must observe their social attitudes, works of art, their beliefs, moral values and political system.

General Characteristics

The people of Aymara are mostly peasants. With a very entrenched sense of belongingness to their land, they do farming with love and devotion. One will find it very strange they treat some of the non living things just like people. In that animated world, mountains and other elements of Mother Nature that envelop them. The people do not take imagery as symbolism but as a reality. This concept of duality relates them with their animated world.

They also believe in laws that connect man to his surroundings such as they have a strong believe on metaphysical things and myths. The modern science and technology completely reject the idea of metaphysical things. The conversion of this environment in to the man made thing appears to be magic for a man of the modern world. The society of Aymara people is not based upon respect and self esteem. Instead, shame and infidelity prevail on various levels. Because of the Spanish invasion, Christianity is the common religion. They have easily adopted the religious doctrines of Christianity and finally converted into Catholic Christians.


According to some sources, for the last 800 years, the Aymara people have been living in the regions which are presently Bolivia, Peru and Chile. Various nations conquered the regions and, so the history has been distinguished by these various nations. In 1430, the region was captured by Inca Empire. Before that, it was believed that Aymaran people used to live in different states. They were divided in to tribes having different dialects of Aymaran language.

In the sixteenth century, the Spanish were ruling over the Aymarans. Moreover, there were a lot of wealth left by Inca Empire, the Spanish rulers exploited that wealth and had taken most of ...
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