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Orin Starn has written a great book “The Peru Reader: History, Culture, Politics” on the history of Peru. The author has discussed in detail about Peru. He has also discussed the role of Fujimori for the development of Peru. Before understanding the role of Fujimore, it is important to learn about Peru and its history. In this paper, we will discuss Peru in detail and will analyze whether Fujimori proved to be beneficial for Peru or not.


Peru falls into three geographical regions that are it is a strip of desert moving alongside the coast, consisting of high mountains with large forested mountains. The weather is warm in Peru, and there is a consistently warm current on the current that persists after every two to seven years. It could result in severe torrential rains damaging rainstorms. The zone is also affected by several earthquakes from time to time. The principal oases are located near Trukillo, Callao and Chiclayo. Peru's principal ports are present in the desert region (Starn, Iván Degregori & Kirk, pp. 486-493).

Out of the total population of Peru, 45% of the population is indigenous, while mestizos make up 37% of the total population of the country and the remaining 15% are whites. Moreover, there are a small number of Japanese, African and Chinese that live in these areas. The inhabitants speak Quechua (an official language) or Aymara. People typically live in the form of groups. Indigenous people live in isolated rain forest areas and spoke different Languages. Others speak Spanish and Roman Catholic. The power and resources of the country were taken in control by mestizos and European-descended inhabitants. Peru also offers good higher education to its residents and the leading universities include Arequipa, Lima, Trujillo and Cuzco (Urton, Gary, pp. 53-73).

The author before discussing the political and other scenarios of the country has also discussed the Economy of the country. The author has explained that farming provides the main livelihood for many Peruvians, while the services industry is still growing in the country. The country produces many agricultural and farm products including cotton, coffee, rice, sugarcane, potatoes, corns, grapes and oranges. Peru is the largest producer of Coca in the world. However, the government had to cut down the production of Coca between 1995 to 1999 due to the eradication program introduced by the government. However, the country still produces unusual Coca, which it can export to other countries. The country mainly exports Coca to Columbia, where it is used to make Cocaine. The country has a thriving fishing industry, mainly centered on anchovies that are used for feeding animals (Moerner, Magnus, pp. 35-59.).

The country is also blessed with a large mining industry as it possess very valuable minerals including Gold, Copper, Silver, Iron Ore and Phosphate are also extracted from the country. Petroleum is also produced alongside the cost of Northern Peru. Other major industries of Peru include food processing, manufacturing of steel, textiles and clothing. The tourist industry of the country is also established; however, poor transportation ...
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