Cultural shock can be described as a transitional experience which is encountered by individuals because they are unable to use their known cultural references. Tourists who visit a foreign country for a brief time period do not experience much psychological disconfirmation because they anticipate that they would return home soon (Lewis, 2006, pp. 34).
The definition of organizational culture has been given by Brown (1998). According to the definition, organizational culture refers to patterns of beliefs, values, and learned ways which are used to cope with experiences that have been developed by an organization in its history.
Cultural Differences
According to Adler (2007), culture differs in significant and predictable ways. Individuals living in their own community remain oblivious to the dynamics of their culture until they come into contact with a new culture. There are different studies and corporate experiences which have demonstrated hat effective international HRM is related to the performance of organizations in different countries. Organizations endeavor to standardize best HRM practices across national boundaries. The appropriate balance between local practices and customs and foreign customers will affect organizational performance in a positive manner (Branine, 2011). The relationship between organizational performance and international culture has also been explained by Budhwar and D.Y (2001). According to researchers, the success of managers in the globalized business environment depends on their understanding of the environment.
Cultural Shock - University Students
Cultural shock is a concept which is relevant to university students. This is because students from different parts of the world arrive in the United Kingdom for studying in different universities. However, students must be aware of cultural adjustment. The change from locations, customers, and norms in day-to-day life results in anxiety for many people. Living in a foreign country and studying among foreign students has an impact on the ability of students to interact with others. The challenges posed by a new environment results in distress among individuals. This feeling is also referred to as cultural shock. Cultural shock results in creating anxiety and frustration among individuals and students are likely to experience frustration and isolation.
The international universities and college and chosen by a number of international students in order to pursue higher education. Students enrolled in these educational institutions are diverse. They represent a variety of people who populate the globe. Students in these universities are from different cultures, religions, and races. However, all students share the same desire which is to pursue education and acquire knowledge. There are numerous scholars who have discussed the concepts of culture and cultural shock. Cultural shock can be described as a fundamental reaction which is caused by the loss of a familiar environment. The situation results in a loss of psychic orientation of individuals.
The number of international students, in the United Kingdom, is increasing. The number of international students is not only increasing in public but also private ...