Independent Business Analysis Project-Masters Skills

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Independent Business Analysis Project-Masters Skills

Table of Contents


Discussion and Analysis3

Chapter 1: Acculturation3

Chapter 2: Team work and Presentation Skills5

Chapter 3: Reports and Academic Journal Comparisons6

Chapter 4: Personal Planning and Action Plan7

Chapter 5: Conclusions and Reflection10

Personal Reflection11


Independent Business Analysis Project-Masters Skills


This assignment is based on Personal Development Plan based on the acculturation and culture shock. The body of the paper is divided into five chapters. Developing the concept of acculturation is to adopt an integrationist approach. Throughout the history of mankind, there have been migrations because the welfare of individuals could be affected by lack of resources, natural disasters, and other events. These migrations have shaped the development of various groups which had lead to the emergence of cultures. The term culture builds a human group over many years to have specific patterns that ensure their survival in a particular environment (Schein, 1996).

The best way to fight against the various effects of culture shock is likely to make a conscious effort to adapt to the culture. Culture shock is a deeply personal encounter with people from another culture. Culture shock describes the state of anxiety that occurs when a person loses the idea of when and how to behave. This adaptation includes some vague feeling of uncertainty, when people do not know what is expected of them and what more they can expect from them in terms of emotional, psychological, behavioural, cognitive and physiological effects (Harry, 2009).

Discussion and Analysis

Chapter 1: Acculturation

Acculturation refers to the result of a process in which a person or a group acquire in a new culture usually at the expense of their own culture and involuntarily. Acculturation involves different levels of destruction, survival, domination, resistance, support, modification and adaptation of native cultures after intercultural contact. In more recent times, the term has also been applied to the acquisition of the native culture by children from infancy in the home (Hofstede, 2002).

Acculturation includes the contacts between representatives of different cultures. The result of such contacts is the perception of cultural norms and values. Usually, they take over a single or a group of people trapped in a foreign country and stay there permanently (Pedersen, 2002). Acculturation is a necessary element of intercultural interaction. Thus, acculturation plays a progressive role in the global society. It involves the training standards of another culture, familiarity with its historical legacy; it allows us to find an effective technology of human communication. Many people who travel or live abroad undergo a period of cultural adjustment that is commonly known as culture shock. Its intensity varies from one person to another, but it affects most people (Grit, 2006).

During the first phase of the journey is commonly called as the "honeymoon" period. Most often, the culture shock has negative consequences, but we should pay attention to the positive side of it at least for those individuals who have initial discomfort which may leads to the adoption of new values and behaviours. It is important for self-development and personal ...
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