Cultural Pluralism

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Cultural Pluralism

Cultural Pluralism

The article that I have chosen is the “Cultural diversity and economic performance”. The researchers in this article have discussed that productivity and its relationship with the diversity of the culture, in this article the study has been conducted on the European countries. The core idea of the research is that the diversity of the culture in a country affects its productivity and consumption, because the people from different cultures have different criteria of consumption depending upon their taste and choices. In this research the researchers has found that there is a positive relationship between the diversity and pluralism with the productivity of a nation. Ottaviano and Peri (2006) have founded the same results from the US cities when they conducted research for the US cities.

I believe that the article has raised an interesting issue that the diversity also affects the economic activity of a country. In a country like US where people or individuals from different countries and cultures are living in the country the production and consumption factor of the economy of that country depend on the cultural diversity of the people residing in the country. One of the reasons behind that is that the consumptions of every individual is based on his or her culture. An individual consumes those goods which are allowed in his or her culture of the people who belongs to the same culture somehow consumes similar kind of products. The companies in the US manufacture the products by analyzing he demand and taste of the consumers' diversity plays a vital role in the productivity as well (Choi & Rainey, 2010).

In our increasingly diverse societies, it is essential to ensure the interaction between the different cultures and will have to live with harmony together people and groups with cultural identities plural, ...
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