The planetary solution of this crisis, which is not based in a change in the human constitution but in a philosophic identification of its roots and the possibilities of a biofile cultural strategy, must be therefore prepared by a high theory. Therefore, the positive environmental transformation of the existentially endangered culture by means of its new constitutive information represents an unprecedented attempt of humanity to end the unchecked stage of the antinatural cultural evolution. It could start an intentionally biofile-anticipative stage of the antinatural cultural evolution. Our hope in the success of this attempt is supported by the fact that the conditions for the environmental change automatically ripen due to the crisis development of the current antinatural culture.
Essential dependence of culture upon nature is primarily determined by the fact that the cultural evolution within nature is generated by humans as a biologic species. Yet culture is dependent on nature and opposes nature and it is also comparatively young and time limited. Humans have not been on the Earth from its beginning and they will not be here until its end. Due to a biologic predisposition to an aggressive adaptive strategy, humans are the only universally active animal species that have managed to ignite another evolution on the Earth occupied with life: This was the cultural evolution—the competitor of the natural evolution. And this artificial evolution, structuring nature differently from the inside, has started not only the conspicuous human era but, unfortunately, also a critical period in the Earth's history. Human artifacts are “baked from the same flour” as natural structures. And since this imaginary flour (elements of the periodic table) has been embedded in live and inanimate structures of the Earth's surface by the natural evolution, the expansion of the cultural existence causes destruction and replacement of this natural existence—it causes a reduction in the natural order of the Earth, including a mass extinction of biologic species.
Yet this crisis must become even more pronounced; the habitability of the Earth must unfortunately become even more complicated to force the current shortsighted party politics to accept the program of the necessary changes that is currently definitely better understood by common people than by bankers, businesspeople, and political representations.
Spencer developed his theory of social evolution by participating in the nineteenth-century debates about the fact and mechanism of organic evolution. To establish the fact of evolution, the first evolutionists had to successfully challenge the special creation solution to the organic origins problem. In his biological works, Spencer used standard nineteenth-century arguments from classification, embryology, morphology, and distribution to challenge the hypothesis of special creation. By demonstrating that the hypothesis of evolution can explain facts that anti-evolutionists claimed could be explained only by special creation and facts that special creation cannot explain, these works help to establish the fact of evolution.
To explain the fact of evolution, Spencer turned to use inheritance, arguing that structures that organisms acquire during their lives through use or disuse of organs in response to environmental influences ...