Paleoanthropologist is a straightforward combination of the essence of both paleontology (fossil life-forms over time) and anthropology (human behavior and culture), resulting in the study of the evolution of the biology, behavior, and culture of humans and our hominine ancestors in the past several million years. The fact of evolution pervades modern thought from astronomy to psychology. It is safe to assume that no academic discipline has escaped the influence of an evolutionary framework.
Our present worldview is grounded in a serious consideration of time, change, and evolution; it is a remarkably different explanation for this universe, life-forms on earth, and our own emerging species than was given by natural philosophers only 2 centuries ago. Social evolution refers to social or cultural change over relatively long periods of time. The evolution/creation controversy is an acrimonious debate that has been ongoing since 1859, particularly in the United States of America (Carneiro, 2003). This debate contrasts the biological theory of evolution with a literal interpretation of the creation story in the Judeo-Christian Bible, asserting these views as incompatible. Social evolution is meant to do with two or more organisms of the same species engaged-directly or indirectly-in patterned interaction (Ridley, 2004). In cultural terms, evolution is meant having to do with the way of life of a social group. In the context of sociology, way of evolution is a social rather than a biological acquisition.
Concept of evolution in the context of sociology requires ties equate human evolution with racial distinctiveness. Different sociologists and philosophers have presented their theoretical point of view on the concept of evolution. Edward B. Tylor, Herbert Spencer, Lewis Henry Morga, including Turgot, Montesquieu offered optimistic analyses in a comprehensive and intelligible manner, while searching for meaningful concepts and generalizations about primate evolution (Young & Largent, 2007).
Domains of Evolution
Perceptions of the place of humans in nature were also based on attempts to understand something of the biology of our own and other species. The idea of evolution does not originate with the thoughts of Charles Darwin, nor had its final formulation in his scientific writings. One may speak of the evolution from an early concept in antiquity to its present status as a fact of the modern worldview. Sociology of evolution addresses the concept related to people within the context of Universal Evolution (Dawkins, 2009). This enables the people in understanding the reason for human existence and its evolution on Earth. Concept of evolution in the field of sociology identifies the relationship between the developments of consciousness, human social structures, and social organization.
Political Evolution
In the contemporary age, multi-communal societies exist with a central government to draft, tax, and legislate. The cultures of state-level societies differ greatly from the cultures of the band and village societies; they differ much less among themselves. Social growth enables the culture to evolve dramatically in certain definite ways. In this concern, cultural evolution may be considered a part of social evolution. Robert L. Carneiro examined three conditions that promote political evolution in ...