Cultural Diversity

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Analyze a Chosen Strategy to Attempt to Gain Competitive Advantage through Managing Cultural Diversity in an Organization

Analyze a Chosen Strategy to Attempt to Gain Competitive Advantage through Managing Cultural Diversity in an Organization


Owing to the truth that the world's market is amalgamating by means of globalization, where multicultural and multinational working environment are growing to be common, globalization augments the significance of the position in the multicultural workers in the organization with respect to “Culture”; individuals who approach from different backgrounds and cultures may come across difficulties and challenges, and could fight back to identify with the differences as well as similarities among cultures (Canen 1999, p.04). For that reason, it is extremely necessary that organizations manage cultural diversity and to reduce conflict and minimize misunderstanding, which harmonizes the workers environment. As a matter of fact, that Hospitality industry is a fast growing industry with an belligerent competitive level, workers or employees are the most precious asset to run the organization, and offer the services to the clients; either contented or discontented clients rely deeply on the service provider's performance (Canen 1999, p.05). Therefore, when harmonized workers environment is formed, it could influence service output and additional worth to the people. For this reason, it is extremely important to the organization to manage cultural diversity, which is undoubtedly the driving force behind the organization to gain competitive advantage among the opponents and achieve the targets.


When cultural diversity is handled successfully, there is a possibility to utilize diverse workforce to become beneficial for the organization. More often than not it is argued that multiculturalism is directly associated with organization's success for the reason that:

It has efficiently managed the culture of a number of organizations who have gainful competitive advantage.

It is helpful in promoting a reputation which is minority friendly among potential employees.

Different cultural societies aid customers to accomplish that with a range of people.

Employees from diverse cultures are supposed to be more ingenious and analytical in comparison to the homogenous group.

The aptitude to deal with cultural diversity boosts flexibility and adaptability of a company to environmental adjustments (Berta 2006, p.49).

Competitive Advantage

A positive position searched by an organization with the intention to become more money-making and gainful as compared to its competitors is known was Competitive Advantage. Competitive advantage is all about communicating a higher perceived worth to a target market in comparison to its opponents can offer. This can be reached by means of a number of avenues together with providing a high-quality service or product, lesser prices and rising promotion efforts. Persistent competitive advantage is about maintaining a positive role in the long term, which can lend a hand in boosting an organization's image in the market, its assessment and its earning potential in the future (Schmidt & Belfry 1989, p.335).

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