Cultural Diversity

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Cultural Diversity

Cultural Diversity


The culture of any given society is a highly significant factor, which has an impact on the salient societal features. The cultural ideology of a human society is built on the norms and values, which are established for a prolonged period of time. These cultural beliefs developed due to the shared and common traditions of a group of people, and they transferred from generation to generation.

Culture is a long term concept which remains relatively stable over the period of time. Over several different generations, the small attributes of the cultural society may alter; however, the core cultural ideology remains the same (Shachaf, 2008, pp. 131-142). The cultural framework for a given society developed by various factors, including the geographic, religious and the environmental factors of a given society.

The concept of cultural diversity is a relatively recent development as the process of globalization has enhanced the process of global immigration. The global social environment now has become highly interlinked with people from diverse social cultural backgrounds are living in a collective manner. Within the primary cultural framework of a given society, there exist several cultural subgroups which have diversified traditions and beliefs.

The developed countries in the global society have realized the significance of cultural diversity, and they developed adequate social policies. Cultural diversity is a positive attribute for a given human society as it allows people from various different socio-cultural backgrounds, to assimilate the culture of a foreign country. In the contemporary social environment, the global population has to interact in a persistent basis as per the globalization phenomenon; hence the cultural diversity factor compliments the process of globalization.


In the contemporary global social environment, the concept of the community has changed drastically. In the traditional perspective, the community defined as the social entity which formulated by the group of people belonging to homogeneous socio-cultural backgrounds. In this way, these societies were able to preserve the core cultural ideologies, and they were able to resist any cultural changes.

The societies believed that they should seek to maintain their unique social identity, and the core cultural beliefs should remain unchanged. In these time period, the culture of a given society was also closely intertwined with the religious beliefs; hence the cultural diversity phenomenon considered as a highly negative factor (Hogan, 2012, pp. 64). Religion has always been a predominant cultural factor, which has influenced the cultural development of the various societies in the world.

It has also been the primary reason for the cultural conflict which has been present throughout the history among various countries and nations. In the contemporary global society, culture is now more influenced by the conceptual ideology of the individuals rather their religious beliefs. In the majority of the developed countries, the concepts of nationalism and patriotism have helped decrease the influence of religion as a major cultural component.

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In the societies of the developing countries however, the religious factors still have a major influence in the cultural ...
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