Cultural Diversity

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Analyzing Cultural Diversity and Celebrity in an English Secondary School


A classroom culture is composed of the cultural characteristics of school, communities, teachers and students. In this report, the main emphasis is on the cultural diversity that is mostly faced by the students in schools.

Analyzing Cultural Diversity and Celebrity in an English Secondary School


Culture can be considered as a characteristic of human nature that helps in sensing the environment. Culture is a framework wit which new information is processed and responded. In the context of school, culture is often considered as fixed, stable and invariant characteristic of an individual. As culture is learnt and it is not inherited, sue to this it is variable and dynamic those changes with the passage of time. It is necessarily required to understand the importance of class room as any other setting where students are interacted with each other with their unique cultural backgrounds..

With a proper management, school must setup its own culture on the basis of its traditions, conventions and values. Traditionally in the culture practice, all students do not have equal practice in schools. Due to the dynamic nature of school, they can be reinvented or negotiated. The culture of classroom or school can be changed in order to accommodate the different cultural perspectives of students that are served. In a few cases, when there is diverse culture in a classroom, this process can be performed collaboratively. For instance, student can make their own contributions in order to establish acceptable and appropriate codes of conduct with which their culturally diverse classroom or school are reflected. It means that it is the responsibility of the schools and its teachers to bridge home-school differences.

Culture not only refers to the language, religious traditions or shared recipes. It is a lived experience which seems to be unique to each individual. It is the responsibility of the educators to encourage the intellectual development of students. For truly engaging the students, it is required to reach out to the students in different ways that are linguistically and culturally appropriate and responsive. It is also very important to examine the cultural stereotypes and assumptions that are brought into the classroom with which interconnectedness is hindered.

Main Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to analyze cultural diversity in learning in schools.

Research Questions

What are the difficulties faced by teachers in combining students from diverse cultural background?

How much important is the multicultural education is important in today's diverse, standards-based classrooms?

What are the positive outcomes of learning in a culturally diverse environment?

What instructional strategies can be used to enhance the learning characteristics and cognitive styles of diverse populations?


Personal Professional

This area is important because culture pays a vital role in the learning process of students within a classroom. It is very important to evaluate the issues that emerge due to the cultural diversity and affect students' learning.


The main issue is to taking all the students to a common platform as they all belong to different cultural ...
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