Cultural Differences

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How cultural differences can influence the accuracy and value of assessment and testing instruments of persons from minority client populations

How cultural differences can influence the accuracy and value of assessment and testing instruments of persons from minority client populations


Cultural differences are very important in international business because among different countries, there are many cultures which must be understood and treated in the best practice by employers wishing to go into business abroad. In other words, having knowledge of other cultures means understanding the impact of cultural differences in countries' trade practices. For this, it is necessary to understand the social, religious and social systems, language, education and culture at work. Culture is a method of values ??and norms shared by a group which, when taken together, develop a blueprint for life. By values, it ??is meant abstract ideas about what a company feels good, proper and acceptable. It is defined by rules, social rules and guidelines that promote appropriate behavior in situations and society means a group of people who share a set of values ??and norms.

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The values ??are the foundation of a culture; it provides the context in establishing and justifying the rules of society. Values ??have also emotional meaning is expressed in political and economic systems of society. The main determinants of culture are the social structure, language, religion, education, political philosophy and economic philosophy. These factors evolve or change and alter the culture and values ??of a society, which in turn, disrupts the social structure and religion. The social structure of society is the basic social organization; there are two important dimensions to consider: the first is the extent to which the fundamental unit of social organization is the individual, and, the second is the degree to which a society is stratified classes or castes. A group is an association of two or more individuals who share a sense of identity and interact in a structured manner based on common expectations about the behaviour of another. Societies differ to which the group is considered the primary means of social organization. In Western societies, the individual is the main element of social organization highlights the individual achievements and social status of individuals depend not so much on their work, but their performance in their workplace.

The emphasis on individual performance brings profit entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and dynamism of the economy. However, his biggest weakness is due to the lack of loyalty and dedication that people have a single company, leading to mobility management that although it is quite rich, weak social networks and experience in office. Another problem is the difficulty that people face at the time of the formation of interdisciplinary teams as the competition is always latent and hinders cooperation. Unlike Western societies, the group is the main unit of social organization in many other societies. Individuals feel a deep emotional attachment to their group, and, identification with it can become the most important thing in ...
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