Cultural Differences

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Cultural differences in Management

Cultural Differences in Management


Culture plays a vital role in the human life as it describes the acts and believes of the individuals which live all across the globe. In every part of the world, there are people having different culture and beliefs. In terms of the organizations, industries and workplaces there are people working together with diverse cultures. In these organizations the concept of cross cultural management is required. The cross cultural management is the concept in which the leaders and managers have to look after the differences in their employees' beliefs and methodologies. The employees working their may have conflict with each others cultures and due to this clashes may occur which may result in the organization's loss which is unaffordable (Kandola, 2008, pp. 37).

Cross cultural management leads the concept that it brings the employees together with a combine culture through which they can work collectively in an organization. The character of an individual is deeply influenced by its culture which depicts in its work and thoughts. In a multinational organization, the leaders and managers have to be culture free as they have to take all of their employees together as a team. In this cross cultural management if a leader supports one culture than other employees will have negative attitude and this will cause heavy losses in the company (Judge, 2001, pp. 63). Cross cultural management is very essential so as all the employees can work collectively and effectively regardless of what culture they believe and follow.


Literature Review

Values and cultural dimensions are significantly considered in international businesses. The difference between individual level values and culture differ from county level culture and values. It is believed that individuals have more strong believes than a country have because the individual thinks according to these believes and what his culture has educated him. On he other hand countries look more diplomatically towards a situation knowing its importance and value. However, in multinational organizations a cross cultural environment is set as there are people of different values, cultures and beliefs.

Several scholars have worked on individual and country level values and cultures. Hotsfede (1980) supports the idea of individual level of culture while Schwartz (1996) supports the idea of country level values. Values have become known as the core component in the cross cultural research and management. Considering the country level of the cultural values, it has more to do with the globalisation and have created more opportunities in the multinational organizations where people of more than one culture can work.

The findings and recent research on the country level indicates that it is more associated with the pre-acquisition communication and generous understanding. It has also enhanced the performance through the boosted learning and employment opportunities between the diverse cultural countries and international partners. The country level cultural values make it very easy to share ideas among various people of diverse culture improving the performance of the organization.

The individual level of values and cultures are related to the individual employees ...
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