Cultural Change

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Cultural Change

Nursing Station Shift Report to Bedside Nurse Shift Report for Patients and Staff


The change of shift report is when one nurse transfers the knowledge and responsibility of a patient from one nurse to the other. The correspondence that follows throughout this process is joined to both persistent wellbeing and coherence of forethought giving. The majority of nurses practice the shift of patient's records to the bed side, which remains generally extraordinary. There are a number of places where this change shift report can be communicated, such as nurse's stations, face to face, recordings and conference room. There is a chance of misinformation while giving away the report from the patient's bedside. For this reason, patients, along with the staff are included when the report is communicated. This helps in decreasing the discrepancies in patient's care and treatment (Caruso, 2007). Patients and families, likewise stewards of patient security, are given a chance to hear and take part in the trade of data when report is carried to the bedside. Inviting patients and families into the report procedure remains to be another challenge for nurturing staff.

For the safe and efficacious transference, the SBAR (Situation - Background - Assessment - Recommendation) model can be utilized. This is an innovative form of communication system, which enhances the overall procedure and reduces the chances of error. This assignment has evaluated the process and importance of transference of nursing Station Shift Report to Bedside Nurse Shift Report for Patients and Staff. The assignment also assesses the safer and more effective methods that can be utilized in achieving the goal.


The nurturing change of reports or handover is a correspondence that happens between two movements of medical attendants whereby the particular reason for existing is to convey data about patients under the consideration of attendants (Lamond, 2000). It has been evident from the researches and studies, that the shift of reports, or the handover, causes generation of a communication gap between the nursing professionals. This gap, sometimes, is responsible for inadequate delivery of patient related factors, which might pt the patient's life in danger. In the modern health care system, this change of reports is considered as one of the most crucial steps that plays dynamic role in maintaining patient care and safety (Pothier et al. 2005).

 The nursing reports present on the central station are usually lengthy, incomplete and are and burdened with disruptions. As stated by Reinbeck, the movement of shift reports to bed side reports improves the precision and accuracy between the health care team and the patient. This will also enhance patient compliance and awareness, allowing the patients to add relevant information, as the patient can easily get acknowledged regarding the therapeutic regimens and future treatment plans. To improve this process of change of reports, and to maintain the patient confidentiality with a rapid improvement in patient health, a methodology is adopted called SBAR communication structure.


The exchange of adequate amount of information is very important for promoting patient's safety. However, there are many deficiencies that ...
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