Critique Paper

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Critique Paper

Critique Paper

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The literature review emphasizes on capital is comprised of a number of participants who buy and sell stocks and debt instruments in order to offer a range of products that promote financial savings and internal sources of capital for the companies as explained in the literature review. Capital markets are an ideal source of financing through the issuance of shares, in order to keep balanced the structure of capital of the company. The capital market is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, through the Capital Market Law. The literature review also mentions this Act that governs the offer securities to the public, whatever they may be, established for this purpose the principles of organization and operation, the rules governing the activity of those individuals and entities involved in them and their system of controls. The emphasis of literature review is on capital markets' investors who concur individuals or corporations with excess capital) and financiers (legal persons in need of capital. These capital market participants are related through securities, these securities may be debt or equity. Besides the securities may be primary or secondary emission. The primary issue is the first public issuance and that makes a company that for the first time access to organized finance, these securities are traded on the primary market. Apart from that, the secondary emission is also discussed in the literature review that starts when financial instruments or securities that have been placed in the primary market are subject to negotiation. These negotiations are usually done on the Stock Exchanges.

Briefly Outline/Summarize the Methodology (Theoretical or Empirical) Used by the Authors to Achieve their Objectives.

As per the literature review, capital structure implies a combination of funds that meet the overall need of an ...
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