This paper discovers the connection between the Islamic belief and the grade of communally to blame enterprise perform of Islamic entrepreneurs. According to the item Faith Traditions and the Practice of Business by Stewart W. Herman the widespread concept of communally to blame enterprise perform corresponds with the outlook of enterprise in the Islam, whereas there are furthermore some prominent dissimilarities between the Catholics and Islam we furthermore find that Muslim entrepreneurs adhere a higher heaviness to exact components of communally to blame enterprise perform than the Catholics, although, on the other hand, Muslims are less engaged with applying communally to blame enterprise perform in perform than Catholics. (Stewart et. al. 2001) The table underneath best features the key topics of both the beliefs with their power and limitations
Key Themes Christianity
Key Themes Islam
Strengths and Limitations Key topic Christianity
Strengths and Limitations Key topics Islam
people, though accountable before God for the way they use the assets at their disposal
Forbidden are profits from wagering, lotteries, and the output, sale, and circulation of alcohol. "O you who believe! Intoxicants and wagering, forfeiting to pebbles, and divination by projectiles are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Eschew such abomination, that you may prosper." (5:90)
It's all about belief and the conscience. One should be a flawless Catholic to abide by such devout teachings.
It is functional and makes one marvel about the grade of a good communal system. Practsing in non-muslim groups can be a difficulty particularly after the 9/11 attacks less devout persons have a less amicable insight in the direction of muslims.
Christianity urges the wealthy to help the poor, to who pertains the <-xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Kingdom of God, without going as far as saying that the poor have a right on the riches of the rich
Islam has granted comprehensive guidelines for our financial life, which is balanced and fair. Muslims are to identify that riches, profits, and material items are the house of God, and we are only His trustees.
According to the Islamic teachings, injustice and oppression are to be abhorred.
“..God loves not the conceited, the vainglorious (nor) those who are niggardly, enjoin niggardliness on others..” (Quran 4:36-7)
“…stand out solidly for fairness, as observer to God, even against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and if it be (against) wealthy and poor.” (source--)
The rudimentary concept that all riches pertains to God and that humankind is only a trustee of this riches is common.
subtle dissimilarities in their places with esteem to the significances of this concept for financial behaviour.
Christianity, makes some persons nervous. They favour to talk of lesson or religious standards that have no specific devout or denominational character. They are worried that devout perspectives will lead to irresolvable confrontations, intolerance, proselytism, and even devout wars.
Islamic teachings focus the significance of respecting privileges of persons and groups.
“…man can have not anything but what he strives for…” (Quran: 53:39)
“God does order you to render back your trusts ...