Critique Of Research Papers

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Critique of Research Papers

Critique of Research Papers


Question 1:

The first step of any research is to identify a subject area of research and design a clear objective within it to do further study on that particular research. Secondly, after getting secondary data from different sources on a similar subject has to be critically reviewed. To carry out proper research an ideal person has to be defined, out of which, a sample has to be dispatched for survey by different sources. 

This research study, “Learning (Not) to Talk About Race: When Older Children Underperform in Social Categorization” does not have a clear hypothesis. This paper does not have proper problem statement and abstract. It gives the introduction and discussion but when it comes to the reason it is not cleared. The problem statement for this paper is to evaluate the problems which are present in children.

In the second article, “Investigating True and False Confessions within a Novel Experimental Paradigm,” has a clearly defined problem statement. The main objective of the this study was developing a novel experimental paradigm with which to study the influence of psychologically based interrogation techniques on the likelihood of true and false confessions.


Question 2:

This research study, “Learning (Not) to Talk About Race: When Older Children Underperform in Social Categorization” explains that for older children it is difficult to perform better because there is consideration and consciousness in older children while younger children perform way better than older children because they are not conscious in any activity. The paper analyses from social point of view traditional some psychological and social risk factors that increases in older children based on all the activities which they cannot perform properly. It argues that young children perform better than old children in every activity.

The research article, “Investigating True and False Confessions within a Novel Experimental Paradigm,” has consistent material from the introduction, problem statement to the background and literature review. The paper explains the interrogation techniques utilized by the police officials and how they effectively attain confession from the individual they believe is guilty.  This paper determines the true and false confessions 


Question 3:

This research study, “Learning (Not) to Talk About Race: When Older Children Underperform in Social Categorization” the hypothesis has been clearly stated. The present research tests the hypothesis that just a sense of membership in a social group linked to a challenging academic task can increase children's motivation for such tasks and learning from those tasks. Understanding the process that affect young children's motivation and learning may suggest novel interventions that could improve children's academic outcomes long into the future.

The research article, “Investigating True and False Confessions within a Novel Experimental Paradigm,” the hypothesis has been more clearly defined as compared to the other research article. The hypothesis states that at the age of 10, the social concerns in regards to the race acknowledgement overrides the conventional differences of age group as per the improved performances on tasks that are categorization-based.


Question 4:

Yes. All the key terms have been well defined in both of the research papers.


Question 5:

The independent variable is appropriate as per the study's given question. The levels are appropriate in both of ...
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