Critical Thinking

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Importance of Critical Thinking for Science Student

Importance of Critical Thinking for Science Student


Essay discusses importance of critical thinking in their lives. Critical thinking is not a matter of accumulation of information. A man with a good memory and knows a lot of facts is not necessarily good critical thinking. Critical thinkers capable of consequences of what he knows and he knows how to use information to solve problems and seek appropriate sources of information, implement it accordingly.


Critical thinking should not be confused with argument or being critical of others. Although critical thinking skills can be used to expose mistakes and bad arguments, critical thinking can also play an important role in joint discussions and constructive tasks. Critical thinking can help us to improve knowledge, theories, and to strengthen arguments. We can improve critical thinking, efficiency of processes and improvement of social institutions.

Good critical thinking can be seen in science and liberal-democratic society. Science demands a critical application intelligence, experiment and theory to support. For proper functioning of liberal democracy requires citizens who think critically about social issues, can inform their judgments about good governance and eradication of prejudice and superstition (Hamby 2007, p. 75).

Today we will do to something a little different. Rather than talk about particular phenomenon, I would be done in general terms about importance of teaching critical thinking to young people why and how it can and should be better to speak. Skeptical approach to life leads to merit in all spheres of human existence, and desire to take what does not fit laws of our world is a departure from pursuit of knowledge (Wiseman, 2006, p. 333).

In critical thinking as an elective class and I think it's generally considered most boring and useless class to carry. class involved reading and study of some philosophical materials, including logic, I went through Socratic dialogues of Plato. If you have read as a teenager, you can damn dry your reaction to find them. They were a dialogue between Socrates and others about these exciting topics such as old politics, philosophy and even mathematics. I do not want to criticize Socrates, it's just that study of man and his 2400-year-old working as interesting and relevant as a young man about what Socrates was a communication (Kaminer, 2000, p. 23) . enthuse I am sure that everyone who ever came out of class never remember a single concept, or apply it to their lives. You may not agree with me and say that you will find Socratic dialogue on a brilliant and fascinating. I want to say that average teenager does not.

But concept of Socrates or Socratic questions as brilliant and exciting, if we apply them to present things that interest us. Logic has always proven to be light in history against all Dark Ages of ignorances and superstitions. In fact progess of mankind is a journey of hardship on path of logic. More importantly, they are relevant. Take a few Socratic questions:

• What is source of information?

• What ...
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